Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Appetite

How to describe how I feel about food currently... The best description I have for this feeling is that I am constantly in a state of being partially full but I also have the munchies. With these two feelings in combination, whenever I put anything into my mouth I feel full. I don't have much of a normal voracious appetite where I feel I have to eat something (something I would generally consider fulfilling like meat or bread products). I miss that sensation of wonder and Ecstasy I used to get from the first bit of food I ate when my stomach was empty. When you are in a constant state of -partial- satisfaction I don't get that feeling of first eating when I'm hungry. Eating is one of the most exciting activities and still is but for other reasons now. I love to create new tastes with food and I love the combination of new tastes when I eat.

I don't worry that I'm not eating enough because I am eating fulfilling calories that are more nutritionally stocked. I also am taking my vitamins and supplements. I feel very energetic and contented.

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